15 April- The last deadline for ESPA Innovation Awards entry applications
The 4 top reasons a Spa/Health Resort (destination/facility/hotel/clinic/program) should add the ESPA Innovation Awards to its marketing program:
Generate Brand Recognition: this is an essential part of any business’s success, as this is a reason customers choose a Spa/Health Resort, and it encourages them to keep coming back.
Generate Sales Growth: winning an ESPA Innovation Award will showcase the Spa/Health Resort level of expertise, driving new sales, retain customers, and expand on current sales.
Boost Employee Moral: employees love to be a part of a winning company. Employees that are proud of their company’s accomplishments are far more likely to tell prospects and customers why the Spa/Health Resort won the ESPA innovation Award making it a lot easier to gain a sale.
Obtain third party endorsements: there is no reason to not take advantage of new endorsements from a most likely well known party. The ESPA Innovation Awards allow a Spa/Health Resort to receive additional marketing that will help them to land new customers and networking opportunities.
ESPA Innovation Awards Website